Game Design Portfolio

Through out the following sections, you will find examples of my work within the space of videogames and physical games.

Publicly Released Games

As QA at Chaos Theory Games

  1. Crab God; Mother of the Tide (Lead QA & Tester)
    – won the Unity for Humanity Grant & 2024 AGDA for Excellence in Impact.
    An atmospheric underwater strategy PC game.
  2. IPGO (Lead QA & Tester)
    A mobile game for change, puzzle Adventure teaching the basics on how the internet operates. 
  3. PlayEd (Lead QA & Tester)
    A web based early education platform, gamifying classroom content and making homework fun!
  4. Energy Transformers (Lead QA & Tester)
    A mobile education Quiz game about renewable energy in Australia.
  5. Virus Blaster (Lead QA & Tester)
    A mobile education game about vaccines.
  6. Cockatoo Falls (Lead QA & Tester)
    A mobile gamified Cystic Fibrosis Adherence Journal.
  7. Power the Grid (Lead QA & Tester)
    A temporary educational installation about different power sources and their benefits.
  8. Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure (QA Tester)
    A mobile adventure game, educating children about personal safety skills to keep them safe from bad actors in the community. This was in partnership with Bravehearts.
  9. Virtual Farm (QA Tester of patch updates)
    A Gateway to Science installation, teaching children standard farming practices.
  10. Acid Wash (QA Tester of patch updates)
    A mobile game about collecting and refurbishing cars.
  11. Saber Force (QA Tester of patch updates)
    A mobile endless runner, adventure, space game.
  12. Kit Money Quests (Documentation PR)
    A CommBank app helping improve the financial capability of kids in Australia.

As QA (volunteer) at Blind Sparrow Interactive

  1. Ready to Roll, RPG Dice Set
    A mobile dice set, accessible for the vision impaired.

RMIT Student Works

These are the proudest works I wish to share, that were completed as part of the RMIT Bachelors of Game Design Degree and the Masters of Animation, Games and Interactivity courses.

Copyright ©Maeskye 2020